Thursday, November 04, 2010

Address Labels...

This is the time of year when I get all sorts of "gifts" via the United States Postal Service.
I get free calenders from the Disabled Veterans, and Easter Seals. I also get hundreds of address labels.
You know what I am talking about...the ones we use as a return address on envelopes?...
I get so many different ones that it stopped being funny 10 years ago. I get them with dogs on them and cats and kittens and puppies and horses and cows and pigs and houses and planes...
It is getting crazy!
They even come under different names. Some say "Greg Huffman", others say "Gregory L. Huffman" or "Gregg Hoffman". Once I even got some that said "Darlene Huffman"...
I am just kidding about the last one, but still...
How many address labels does one truly need? What with texting and that new thing called "e-mail", I don't write very many "snail mail" letters anymore. I even pay my bills on line.
Everyone should just send me free calenders.

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