Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Funny Piece From The Oct. 27, 2011 "Rolling Stone"...

I was reading a feature called "The Playlists" in the recent edition of "Rolling Stone Magazine", and I ran across this.
Merle Haggard was talking about songs "He Wish He Had Written", and one of them was #7-"Setting The Woods On Fire", by Hank Williams.
Here is a story about the song that I never knew...
"Hank was on the road and they stopped at this Mexican joint. There wasn't a rest stop for miles so Hank went in the woods and took a sh---(dump).
He said, "I's setting the fu----- woods on fire! That was the hottest goddamn chili I've ever seen!"
Before they'd driven another few miles, Hank had a song."
Inspiration can hit you in the strangest of places. huh?

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