Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Jay Dub...

I had a friend back in the day named Walter Jones...for some reason or another we called him "Jay Dub."
Walt was an odd -looking guy. He was tall and skinny and he walked at an incline.
No joke.
He loved cats and what I am more thankful for is his love of jazz music, which rubbed off on me.
If it wasn't for Jay Dub, I never would have been exposed to Bob James album "Head", or Earl Klugh or Herbie Hancock or Chuck Mangione's "Bellavia", or Roy Ayers or George Duke...
Get the picture?
I also took Jay Dub's sister Charmaine to my Senior Prom, but that's another story...
I also got my first kitten from him who I affectionatly named "Paycheck."
Those were good times.

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