Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pick Three...

I was over my brother Wayne's house on the 4th of July and we started talking about the Kentucky Lottery and more specificly, the Pick Three.
My brothers play it all the time and Wayne wins quite often (He won 200.00 last week) I know that is not a whole lot of money but keep in mind he only plays $1.00 a day.
My brother Rodney won 0ver $1000.00 a month ago and he wins $50-100 on several occasions and Billy wins quite often as well.
Now, cut to me...
I had never played it cause I never won on it in the 3 times I played in my life, but guess what? I started playing on July 5 and I have won twice since then!
Amazing , huh?
I hit with two quick picks...547 amd 689...only 100.00 but I am only playing two numbers per day.
I am really starting to dig this...

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